Duncan Craig LLP Lawyers Mediators



  Proudly Canadian

About us


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We are an Alberta, Canada law firm with our offices located in Edmonton and Drayton Valley. Our lawyers are licensed to practice only in those provinces and territories indicated on the individual lawyer profiles located throughout our website.

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While you are welcome to contact us, we will not represent you until we specifically agree to do so and are sure that doing so will not create a conflict of interest. Accordingly, please do not send us any information about any matter that may involve you until we have agreed in writing to act as your lawyers. If you do send us information in any form, we will be free to use it for any lawful reason even if it is damaging to you in some fashion.

Please keep in mind that merely contacting Duncan Craig LLP will not establish a lawyer-client relationship. If you are seeking legal representation from us, we will take you through our conflict-of-interest and other regular intake procedures to see if we can represent you. In no event will we agree to represent you in any matter unless one of our lawyers has had direct personal contact with you to learn about the matter. When you receive an engagement letter from this firm, you will be our client, and we may then exchange information freely. Clicking on any of the email addresses listed on this web domain acknowledges that you understand and agree with this notice. If you e-mail us or request information, we may use your e-mail address or domain name to put you on a mailing list for legal newsletters, e-mails and other informative materials, unless you request to the contrary.


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Darren R. Bieganek, KC

Managing Partner


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