Duncan Craig LLP Lawyers Mediators



  Proudly Canadian


Family Solutions

The family lawyers at Duncan Craig LLP recognize that the family forms the core of the lives of our clients. Family law can be complex, and the decisions made can have far-reaching consequences for all involved. Experienced, competent legal counsel is an absolute necessity. Our family lawyers are always prepared to respond to these needs, whether they are related to children, extended family, marriage contracts, or issues of adoption, separation and divorce.

While our family lawyers have extensive experience at all Court levels in dealing with family matters, we also recognize that finding creative solutions to legal issues without litigation can often serve our clients' needs better. As one of these options, we are pleased to offer and promote family mediation services and can act as a facilitator for alternative dispute resolution, which is required by the Alberta Rules of Court prior to a matter proceeding to trial.

Another option is Collaborative Divorce Alberta Association which is a process for resolving conflict with the help of specially trained lawyers and other professionals, without going to court. The spouse and professionals will work together to focus on the problems, gather the necessary information needed and brainstorm together in face-to-face meetings.

In all family law matters, our goal is to provide confidential and effective services to meet the requirements of you, the client, and act in the best interests of any children involved. Getting the job done for our client in a quick, cost-effective, and above all, compassionate fashion is our priority.

Carolyn L. Seitz, KC


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